the moment of discovery is an unparalleled rush of giddy delight.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Talk Like a Pirate Day, Clipper City Brewing | Sept. 19

Some seriously late additions. My bad. (Maybe I was not-so-secretly pissy that I didn't get to go to Beer and Bacon at Clipper City Brewing on TLAPD. Maybe.)

WhARRRRRRRRRRs Waldo? Oh, got him.

Dunno what it is about pirates and the Waldo print, but apparently it's a thing. In addition to pimpin' pirate gear, this cute Waldo (Walda?) is rockin' a golden Jolly Roger. Pretty sweet.

Then JS headed back to the 'hood, where she spotted a mommy Waldo. And, could it be, Anderson Cooper?

Anyway, Thanks JS. Sorry it took so long to post 'em.


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Baltimore, MD, United States
yeah, i'm far too old for this game.